What are Enhanced Conversions ? [2024]

Enhanced conversions

Understanding the Core Concept

Enhanced Conversions are a neat feature in Google Ads meant to supercharge conversion tracking accuracy and unleash some serious bidding strategies. This nifty tool spices up the usual conversion tracking tags by throwing in some hashed first-party customer data

Picture this: when someone buys shoes from you online, your website already tells Google Ads about the sale (regular conversion). But with enhanced conversions, you give Google Ads extra information about the customer, like their email or phone number. This extra info helps Google connect the dots and get a more accurate picture of who bought your shoes and how they found you

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Breaking Down the Process

  1. Data Collection: When a user completes a conversion (e.g., purchase, lead form submission), their first-party data (like email address or phone number) is collected securely.
  2. Data Hashing: This collected data is transformed into a unique hash value using a one-way encryption process, protecting user privacy.
  3. Data Transmission: The hashed data, along with standard conversion information, is sent to Google Ads.
  4. Data Matching: Google Ads matches the hashed data with its own encrypted user data to identify the conversion.
  5. Enhanced Conversion Reporting: The matched conversion is reported in your Google Ads account, providing a more accurate and complete picture of your campaign’s performance.

Benefits of Enhanced Conversion Tracking

  1. Increased Conversion Accuracy: By leveraging hashed customer data, enhanced conversions reduce attribution gaps and provide a more holistic view of the customer journey.
  2. Improved Bidding: With more precise conversion data, Google Ads can optimize bids more effectively, leading to higher return on investment (ROI) and lower cost-per-acquisition (CPA).
  3. Enhanced Insights: A deeper understanding of the customer journey allows for more informed marketing decisions and better targeting.
  4. Privacy-Centric Approach: The use of hashed data ensures that user privacy is protected while still providing valuable insights for advertisers.


Implementation Considerations

  1. Data Privacy Compliance: Ensure compliance with data privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA when collecting and processing customer data.
  2. Technical Setup: Implement the necessary tracking code on your website to capture and send hashed customer data to Google Ads.
  3. Data Security: Protect customer data with robust security measures to prevent unauthorized access.
  4. Testing and Optimization: Continuously monitor the performance of your enhanced conversions and make adjustments as needed.


Advanced Topics and Best Practices

  1. Cross-Device Tracking: Enhanced conversions can help bridge the gap between different devices used by a customer, providing a more complete view of the conversion path.
  2. Offline Conversions: While primarily focused on online conversions, enhanced conversions can be combined with offline conversion tracking methods to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the customer journey.
  3. Machine Learning Integration: Google Ads leverages machine learning to optimize campaigns based on enhanced conversion data, leading to improved performance over time.
  4. Data Cleanliness: Ensure the quality of your first-party data to maximize the effectiveness of enhanced conversions.

For Further Support In Conversion Tracking

For more in-depth information on enhanced conversions and implementation steps, please refer to Google’s support articles. To learn more about the specific EM parameters used in enhanced conversions, check out our blog post.

If you require assistance with setting up or optimizing enhanced conversions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team of experts can provide tailored support to help you achieve your marketing goals.

Discover the transformative power of enhanced conversions and take your Google Ads campaigns to the next level.


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