Finance Marketing – Digital Marketing Case Study

Portfolio: Finance Marketing – Digital Marketing Case Study

Business Type: Finance
Country: United Kingdom

Marketing Challenges:

  1. Competitive Finance Market: The UK finance sector is highly competitive, with many providers vying for customer attention. Finance Marketing needed to ensure their campaigns stood out, reaching the right audience with tailored messaging.

  2. Lead Quality and Volume: Generating high volumes of leads while maintaining quality was essential. Since the finance industry relies heavily on lead conversion, the campaigns had to strike a balance between volume and relevance.

  3. Scalable Campaign Performance: To ensure ongoing success, the marketing campaigns needed to scale effectively without dramatically increasing the cost per lead (CPL).

Digital Marketing Strategy and Execution:

Our approach to Finance Marketing’s campaigns was focused on optimizing lead generation through two primary channels: Search and Performance Max campaigns. Both channels were chosen to attract high-intent users and cast a wider net for prospective clients.

1. Search Campaigns:

Search campaigns targeted users actively looking for financial products and services. By using carefully selected keywords related to loans, investments, and financial planning, we ensured that the ads were visible to users with immediate needs for finance-related solutions.

  • Objective: Drive high-intent traffic and leads by targeting users with a clear interest in financial services.
  • Results: Search campaigns brought in users with specific needs, increasing the likelihood of conversion, and generating a steady stream of high-quality leads.

2. Performance Max Campaigns:

Performance Max campaigns helped expand the reach of Finance Marketing by utilizing Google’s entire ad inventory, from search and display to video and Gmail. These automated campaigns were optimized for lead generation, enabling us to reach relevant audiences across multiple channels.

  • Objective: Use automation and multi-channel targeting to capture new leads at scale while optimizing ad spend.
  • Results: Performance Max campaigns contributed to a high volume of leads, identifying new potential clients and maintaining a low CPL.

Campaign Results:

7-Day Performance (Aug 23 to Aug 29):

  • Ad Spend: £13,300
  • Leads Generated: 1,110
  • Cost per Lead (CPL): £11.98

30-Day Performance (Aug 01 to Aug 30):

  • Ad Spend: £60,000
  • Leads Generated: 5,070
  • Cost per Lead (CPL): £11.83

    Conversion Tracking, SEO, Analytix9, Digital Marketing Agency, Personal Brand Marketing, Digital Marketing Experts, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Google Ads, Google Analytics, Ecommerce Tracking, Meta Ads, Ads Conversion Tracking

    Conversion Tracking, SEO, Analytix9, Digital Marketing Agency, Personal Brand Marketing, Digital Marketing Experts, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Google Ads, Google Analytics, Ecommerce Tracking, Meta Ads, Ads Conversion Tracking

    Conversion Tracking, SEO, Analytix9, Digital Marketing Agency, Personal Brand Marketing, Digital Marketing Experts, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Google Ads, Google Analytics, Ecommerce Tracking, Meta Ads, Ads Conversion Tracking

    Conversion Tracking, SEO, Analytix9, Digital Marketing Agency, Personal Brand Marketing, Digital Marketing Experts, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Google Ads, Google Analytics, Ecommerce Tracking, Meta Ads, Ads Conversion Tracking

Key Takeaways:

  • Consistent Lead Generation: Over the course of both the 7-day and 30-day periods, the campaigns generated a consistent flow of leads with minimal fluctuation in CPL, demonstrating efficiency in reaching the target audience.

  • Effective Use of Automation: Performance Max campaigns proved to be an effective tool for lead generation, allowing for scalable growth while maintaining cost efficiency. The automation ensured that ads reached the right users across a variety of platforms.

  • Targeted Campaigns for the Finance Sector: Search campaigns allowed us to target specific financial needs, ensuring that leads generated were relevant to the services Finance Marketing offers, particularly in competitive sectors like loans and investments.

  • Low CPL in a Competitive Industry: Despite the challenges of the highly competitive UK finance sector, the CPL remained low, averaging around £11.90 across both campaign periods, making the campaigns cost-effective.


The digital marketing efforts for Finance Marketing demonstrate the effectiveness of using a combined Search and Performance Max strategy to generate high-quality leads at scale. With a consistent lead flow and a low cost per lead, the campaigns were both efficient and scalable, ensuring Finance Marketing could continue to grow their client base while maintaining profitability. This digital marketing approach provides a strong foundation for future lead generation and further expansion in the UK finance sector.

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