Enhanced Conversion Tracking [2024] : What are EM parameters in Enhanced Conversion Tracking?

EM Parameters in Enhanced Conversions

Enhanced Conversions are Google Ads’ response to the evolving digital landscape where privacy concerns and cookie restrictions are becoming more prevalent. This method enhances the traditional conversion tracking process by incorporating hashed first-party data.

Understanding Enhanced Conversions:

Enhanced Conversions ensure more reliable measurement of ad performance by using hashed data, such as email addresses, provided by users. This hashed data is a secure, privacy-friendly way to track conversions without relying on cookies, which are increasingly blocked by browsers.

The Importance of First-Party Data:

First-party data is information users provide directly, making it a valuable and reliable source for tracking conversions. Enhanced Conversions use this data, protecting user privacy through hashing, which turns the data into a unique code.

How Enhanced Conversions Work:

When a user converts, their data is hashed and sent to Google. Google then matches this hashed data with signed-in users, allowing accurate attribution of conversions to specific ads or marketing efforts, even without cookies.

Why Enhanced Conversions Matter:

As privacy regulations tighten and browsers limit cookies, traditional conversion tracking becomes less effective. Enhanced Conversions address these challenges by providing a privacy-focused way to accurately track and attribute conversions, helping advertisers optimize their campaigns and budgets effectively.

Diagnostics Tab in Google Ads:

Now you can directly check the status of your Enhanced Conversion implementation directly through diagnostics tab in Google Ads.


analytix9, digital marketing agency, personal brand consultant

The Role of EM Parameters in Enhanced Conversions:

EM parameters represent the hashed customer data in Enhanced Conversions. They are crucial for verifying that hashed data is correctly sent to Google, ensuring the integrity and privacy of the conversion tracking process.

Checking EM Parameters:

There are several methods to check for EM parameters, including using Google’s Tag Assistant, the Network tab in your browser, and the Tag Assistant browser extension. These tools confirm that Enhanced Conversions are properly implemented by verifying the presence of EM parameters.

How to Check for EM Parameters:

Method 1: Using Tag Assistant
  • Visit tagassistant.google.com.
  • Enter your domain and navigate to the conversion page or complete an action like making a purchase.
  • Look for the ’em’ parameter, indicating the hashed customer data is being sent to Google.

analytix9, digital marketing agency, personal brand consultant


Method 2: Browser’s Network Tab
  • Open the Network tab in your browser.
  • Go to the conversion page or complete a conversion action.
  • Use the filter to search for “Collect” or “Conversion label”.
  • Find your conversion label, select the payload option, and look for the EM parameter.


analytix9, digital marketing agency, personal brand consultant
Method 3: Tag Assistant Extension
  • Install and enable the Tag Assistant extension.
  • Navigate to the conversion page or complete a conversion action.
  • Use the extension to find the conversion labeled “Google Ads Conversion tracking”.
  • Check the URLs for the EM parameters

analytix9, digital marketing agency, personal brand consultantanalytix9, digital marketing agency, personal brand consultant


Understanding and Decoding EM Parameters:

Understanding or decoding EM parameters is technical and primarily concerns ensuring that the hashed data matches Google’s format for secure and anonymous tracking. While the specifics of decoding aren’t typically necessary for advertisers, knowing that the EM parameter is correctly formed and present confirms that Enhanced Conversions are working as intended.


EM parameters are at the heart of Enhanced Conversions, ensuring that advertisers can track conversions accurately and securely in a privacy-conscious world. By verifying the presence and correctness of these parameters, businesses can trust their conversion data, optimize their marketing strategies, and ensure their budgets are well spent.

Feel free to contact us if you need any assistance in setting up Enhanced conversion Tracking or Campaigns – Book Free Appointment

For further information regarding Enhanced Conversions, please refer to the official Google Articles

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