Anil Labels – Digital Marketing Case Study

Portfolio: Anil Labels – Digital Marketing Case Study


Company Overview:

Anil Labels is one of India’s top label manufacturers, catering to a diverse range of industries, including retail, food and beverage, healthcare, and more. The company specializes in producing high-quality, customizable labels that meet specific branding, identification, and compliance needs. Serving large dealers and suppliers, Anil Labels ensures that each product receives the precision and care required to stand out in the market. With a focus on the Indian market, they have leveraged targeted advertising campaigns to expand their reach and generate business leads.

Business Type: Label Manufacturing
Country: India

Marketing Challenges:

  1. B2B Lead Generation: Targeting a business-to-business (B2B) audience required highly specific campaigns designed to reach decision-makers in industries needing labels for compliance and branding.

  2. Industry Diversity: With clients from multiple industries, the campaigns had to appeal to varied needs, from retail to healthcare, while maintaining relevance for each audience.

  3. Scaling Lead Generation: Balancing large-scale lead generation while maintaining the cost-effectiveness of advertising spend in the competitive manufacturing sector.

Digital Marketing Strategy and Execution:

To address Anil Labels’ marketing challenges, we developed an integrated strategy using Search, Display, and Performance Max campaigns, targeting businesses in need of reliable labeling solutions. This approach enabled us to capture high-quality leads at scale while optimizing the cost per lead (CPL).

1. Search Campaigns:

Search campaigns focused on capturing high-intent business leads. By using industry-specific keywords such as “label manufacturers,” “compliance labels,” and “custom branding labels,” we ensured that businesses actively seeking labeling solutions were directed to Anil Labels.

  • Objective: Capture high-intent traffic from businesses looking for labeling solutions tailored to their industry.
  • Results: Search campaigns generated quality leads from large suppliers and dealers, resulting in a steady flow of relevant inquiries.

2. Display Ads:

The Display campaigns were used to increase brand awareness among potential B2B clients, especially in the retail and healthcare sectors. Through visually compelling banners, we highlighted Anil Labels’ ability to meet compliance and branding needs, showcasing its expertise in different industries.

  • Objective: Build awareness and visibility among target industries while retargeting previous website visitors to increase conversions.
  • Results: Display ads helped in expanding the brand’s visibility and effectively nurtured leads who had shown initial interest, contributing to an increase in inquiries.

3. Performance Max Campaigns:

Performance Max campaigns allowed for an AI-driven approach, utilizing Google’s network to reach potential clients across multiple channels, including search, display, and YouTube. These campaigns optimized bids automatically based on the likelihood of lead conversion, helping to drive consistent results at scale.

  • Objective: Automate and optimize lead generation across different ad formats to reach potential customers more efficiently.
  • Results: The Performance Max campaigns generated substantial lead volume, ensuring a balanced mix of new leads and retargeting efforts.

Campaign Results:

7-Day Performance (Aug 21 to Aug 27):

  • Ad Spend: INR 631,000
  • Leads Generated: 1,600
  • Cost per Lead (CPL): INR 394

28-Day Performance (Aug 01 to Aug 28):

  • Ad Spend: INR 1,980,000
  • Leads Generated: 6,190
  • Cost per Lead (CPL): INR 319


Conversion Tracking, SEO, Analytix9, Digital Marketing Agency, Personal Brand Marketing, Digital Marketing Experts, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Google Ads, Google Analytics, Ecommerce Tracking, Meta Ads, Ads Conversion Tracking

Conversion Tracking, SEO, Analytix9, Digital Marketing Agency, Personal Brand Marketing, Digital Marketing Experts, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Google Ads, Google Analytics, Ecommerce Tracking, Meta Ads, Ads Conversion Tracking

Conversion Tracking, SEO, Analytix9, Digital Marketing Agency, Personal Brand Marketing, Digital Marketing Experts, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Google Ads, Google Analytics, Ecommerce Tracking, Meta Ads, Ads Conversion Tracking

Conversion Tracking, SEO, Analytix9, Digital Marketing Agency, Personal Brand Marketing, Digital Marketing Experts, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Google Ads, Google Analytics, Ecommerce Tracking, Meta Ads, Ads Conversion Tracking

Key Takeaways:

  • Cost-Efficient Lead Generation: With a CPL of INR 394 for the 7-day period and INR 319 for the 28-day period, the campaigns were highly cost-effective in generating high-quality leads.

  • Optimized Campaign Performance: Performance Max campaigns were instrumental in automating optimization processes, which helped reduce ad spend while scaling lead volume effectively.

  • Diverse Industry Targeting: By crafting unique messaging for different industries, we were able to capture the attention of a wide array of clients, ensuring relevance in both the retail and healthcare sectors.

  • Lead Volume and Scalability: The combination of Search, Display, and Performance Max campaigns allowed for scalable lead generation, providing a consistent flow of inquiries from large dealers and suppliers across various industries.


Anil Labels’ digital marketing efforts demonstrate the impact of a well-rounded, multi-channel strategy in driving B2B lead generation in the manufacturing industry. By focusing on both high-intent search campaigns and broad-reaching Performance Max campaigns, we were able to generate leads at scale while keeping costs in check. As Anil Labels continues to expand, this digital strategy will serve as a solid foundation for sustained growth and future lead generation efforts.

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